About me

It's a me, Mary'o



Some nicknames of mine include, but aren't limited to:

Career and Education

Undecided. Right now, my goal is to develop skills, so I'm working at earning certificates in the field of Applied Technologies. I want to learn more about web development so I can be more helpful to several loved ones who have their own websites.


To further clarify, I particularly love books by, Brandon Sanderson, K.M. Shea, and Rick Riordan.

I enjoy many genres of tv/movies including comedy, action, adventure, sci-fi, fantasy, anime, historical, and historical fiction.

Family and Friends

I am 21 years old, and single. I am the youngest of 7 children who are all over achievers. I have twelve nieces/nephews that I love dearly. I am closer to some of them than others. I am very close with my two sisters, and I spend a lot of my free time with their families. My best friend in the whole world is the sweet widow that lives across the street from me. Although I have so many good people in my life already, I still try my best to make new friends as well.